
Home - About VASCERN - Our Mission

Our Mission

VASCERN’s primary mission is to enhance the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients with rare vascular diseases through several key objectives:

  • Education and Training: VASCERN offers a range of educational activities, including online training modules, webinars, and the VASCERN Summer School under the ERASMUS+ program. These initiatives aim to increase knowledge among clinicians and patients alike.
  • Clinical Excellence: By sharing best practices, conducting and participating in clinical trials, and maintaining comprehensive registries, VASCERN works to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care.
  • Timely Diagnoses: Reducing the delay in diagnosing rare vascular diseases is a critical goal, achieved through the development of clinical decision support tools and expert consensus statements.
  • Awareness and Advocacy: VASCERN actively works to raise awareness about rare vascular diseases among general practitioners, school doctors, policymakers, and the general public.
  • Family Support and Counseling: Improving the quality of family counseling and reducing gaps in care are also significant focuses for VASCERN​.


To reach these objectives, VASCERN has developed under the EU4Health work programme a work plan with the following 6 work packages (WPs):


  • WP 1 Coordination/project management
  • WP 2 Dissemination/Communication
  • WP 3 Evaluation of the action implementation
  • WP 4 Sharing experiences : discussion of complex clinical cases
  • WP 5 Other digital activities: Registries and VASCERN mobile app
  • WP 6 Training and Education: Patient pathways, Pills of Knowledge, Moodle platform, Definition of clinical outcomes, Do’s and Don’ts factsheets
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