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Who we are

VASCERN, the European Reference Network (ERN) for Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases, was established in 2017 to improve the lives of patients across Europe who suffer from rare vascular diseases. The network brings together highly specialized healthcare providers, multidisciplinary teams, patients, and the scientific community to address the challenges associated with these conditions.

Currently, VASCERN gathers 48 expert teams from 39 highly specialized multidisciplinary Healthcare providers (HCPs) plus 6 affiliated partner centerscoming from 19 EU Member States, in this area of expertise. VASCERN is coordinated by Prof. Guillaume Jondeau, Cardiologist and Coordinator of the Center of Reference for Marfan Syndrome and related disorders, AP-HP Hôpital Bichat, Paris, France.

All our HCP Members are Expert Centers recognized in their countries. These HCPs have developed extensive European collaborations through their specific Rare Diseases’ networks. They joined this ERN to foster and reinforce European cooperation in Rare Multisystemic Vascular Diseases, following a common and multidisciplinary approach to patient care to overcome the challenges of rarity.

Learn more about VASCERN through our flyer or watch the video below.

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